MoM (and Others) Now Enjoying Membership in “Club of the Banned” After Sharing News-Leader Article About Willard’s Rate Increases
Martinis and shuffleboard scheduled for 6 PM
Well, it finally happened (again).
The Facebook group Willard MO - City News & Issues disappeared from MoM’s life at around noon on Saturday, December 30, when he was banned shortly after sharing this News-Leader article about the upcoming sewer and water rate increases. It’s an excellent article, and you should probably read it, particularly if you’re a Willard Utilities’ customer.
Two days ago, I submitted the post below to City News & Issues. Why? Because I very much want (and need) to stop writing about Willard’s government, and was hoping to give residents an alternative source for city news—a Facebook page managed by two residents who frequently attend the meetings of Willard’s Board of Aldermen.
On that page, City of Willard-Citizen Group, you could find discussion of the rate increases, whereas on the City News & Issues page you could not—probably due to myself and others being too afraid to post the article I’d written about the issue, fearing we’d be banned just as others have been.
At the time, I didn’t think the above post would cause much controversy, but it apparently didn’t sit well with the current admin of City News & Issues—the spouse of Willard Alderman David Keene. Reading my post again just now, I guess that’s understandable. She’d already had me blocked for several months from being able to see her posts, comments, etc., and my Man of Missouri account has never been reinstated after having been banned last summer by former mayor and alderman, Corey Hendrickson. But I was still able to use my personal account to be able to see and post in the group after a resident invited me to participate last fall.
Anyway, the admin posted a response to the above in which she makes a number of factual errors (but I’m not worried about those). I couldn’t see her post because she has me blocked, but a resident sent me screenshots, so I posted the images to my page along with a short response. My response and larger images of the admins’ post can be found here, along with a lot of comments from residents. Additional comments from residents can be found here in the City of Willard-Citizen Group.
Late last night, I posted a missing-person report to the admin’s page, and then this morning posted a link (with no commentary) to the News-Leader article mentioned above. Shortly thereafter, I was banned. Why that particular article? I don’t know. Maybe the admin is just simply tired of dealing with me.
Additionally, as of this afternoon, both admins of City of Willard-Citizen Group are also now banned.
But no one is banned from my page.
City officials and the admin of Willard MO - City News & Issues are welcome to continue to read, post, and comment therein. And MoM is always happy to respond back.