Nothing New Under the Sun
The appointment that put Willard’s mayor on the road to impeachment
Nothing New
One year ago — October 24th — a Monday night — shortly before 10 pm.
A nearly three hour budget meeting of the Willard Board of Aldermen is finally coming to a close. Only two items remain on the agenda—“New Business” and “Old Business.”
“New Business” quickly devolves into an argument between Mayor Sam Snider and three aldermen—Sam Baird, Landon Hall, and Corey Hendrickson—over a suitable appointee for a months-long vacant alderman seat in Ward I. The three want former alderman Donna Stewart to fill the vacant seat. The mayor, just as he’d done during prior meetings, soundly rejects the Board’s preference.
The argument accomplishes nothing. They move on to “Old Business”—the last item on the agenda. The discussion is tense, but eventually they wrap things up.
At two minutes past 10 pm, Alderman Larry Whitman (himself always calm and friendly) makes a motion to adjourn the session so that everyone may—at long last—go home.
But here the train jumps off the tracks.
Normally, after a motion is made to adjourn a meeting, another alderman will second that motion, the Board will vote to adjourn, and then everyone goes home (or into closed session).
Instead, Alderman Whitman’s motion to adjourn hangs in the air for nearly two minutes while the other aldermen sit and say nothing.
Eventually, the mayor asks for a second motion.
His request is met with silence.
Mayor Snider, appearing somewhat perplexed, half-jokingly asks Ken Reynolds, the city attorney, how much the attorney is being paid by the hour to be there. Ken answers by asking to be excused, hoping to speak in private with a staff member rather than having to sit there and wait.
Except for the city attorney, everyone remains firmly planted in their seats, yet still no alderman will second the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Finally, nearly four minutes after Alderman Whitman’s unanswered motion to adjourn, the mayor rises from his seat and apologizes, saying he needs to go home and get some sleep. He then exits the boardroom.
Almost immediately, Mayor Pro Tem Corey Hendrickson (the mayor pro tem assumes the responsibilities of the mayor in his absence) moves to nominate former alderman Donna Stewart to the vacant alderman seat in Ward I.
Interim City Administrator Steve Bodenhamer (Strafford’s former longtime CA) strongly cautions Alderman Hendrickson against making the appointment in the mayor’s absence. Steve then asks City Attorney Ken Reynolds, who has since returned to his seat, for an opinion.
Attorney Reynolds responds, “I’ve never encountered this situation before,” and then he seemingly advises against it.
Alderman Hendrickson, in the face of challenges from the interim city administrator and the city attorney, decides to abandon the Stewart appointment.
That was October of 2022.
An Appointment on 9/11
Fast-forward to September 11th, 2023. We’re at another Monday night Board meeting. The mayor is away on city business. The aldermen, led by Mayor Pro Tem Sam Baird, are finishing up and discussing old business. Then, in what comes as a complete surprise to City Attorney Reynolds, Alderman Landon Hall nominates Donna Stewart as interim city administrator. A motion and a second are made. The Board prepares to vote.
The mayor—unaware of what’s occurring—had approved the tentative meeting agenda prior to his departure. That agenda included no mention of a planned Stewart appointment.
Nor is the appointment included on the agenda required by law to be released to the public at least 24 business hours prior to the meeting.
The mayor has no idea the Board plans to appoint Stewart.
The public hasn’t been notified or been given a chance to respond.
The agenda isn’t amended during the meeting to add the appointment as is required by city ordinance.
It seems the only people who “need to know” about the planned appointment are a few select aldermen and Mrs. Stewart.
And if keeping the planned appointment away from the mayor and the public were not enough, the discussion item directly prior to the appointment (per the meeting minutes) is this:
“Alderman Hendrickson said there needs to be a way to unplug [the boardroom cameras] during closed sessions.”
Directly after that discussion, Alderman Hall nominates Mrs. Stewart.
The Board votes. It’s unanimous. She is now Willard’s interim CA.
With the meeting over, the Board immediately votes to go into closed session, where they’re allowed to conduct certain business away from public view.
But I’d say they already were.
Boy, am I glad you wrote all that out! Filled in a few gaps for me.
Clever is also going thru a scandal right now that exploded Tuesday night when the accusations were finally leveled at a rogue alderman. Man, I wish I could show you the video. It was wild!!!